
"هذا هو معنى الحياة هو نحن هو الإسلام." تحيات.. كيف حالك.. نأمل حصلت على مباركة لك من الله


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Innalhamdulillah,khidmat kpd pelajar samada yg berada dlm kemahiran kejuruteraan(mekanikal,elektrikal,electronic,mekatronik dsb.) @pelajar agama yg sedia membantu menyemak proposal, report dn mmberi cadangan kpd projek tahun akhir(FYP) atau masalah pembelajaran anda secara percuma. semoga usaha anda dimudahkan utk menamatkan pengajian dn anda dpt berkhidmat serta berjuang di jalan Allah S.W.T.hubungi sy di YM;ghostrider_mujahid.JazakaAllahu Khair.
Miscellaneous Masa'il on the Beard (cont..)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

(continued from posting of Miscellaneous Masa'il on the Beard)

Question: 2. Has the shariat stipulated the length of the beard or not? If it has, what is the stipulated length?

Answer: In the afore-mentioned Hadeeth, the order is given to lengthen the beard. There is a narration in Tirmidhi (Chapter on Etiquettes, Pg 100, Vol 2), consisting of a weak chain of narrators, that Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam used to trim the extra hair from the length and width of his beard. In substantiation to this there is another narration in Bukhari (Chapter on Clothing, Pg 875, Vol 2) that Hazrat Ibn Umar (RA), upon completing Haj and Umrah and removing the Ihram, would grasp his beard and cut whatever hair exceeded the extent of his fist. Another narration has been reported to this effect by Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) in (Nasbur-Raya, Pg 458, Vol 2). From this it is clear that the minimum length of the beard is a fist-full (Hidayah, Chapter on Fasting). Therefore just as shaving off the beard is haram, likewise to keep it less then a fist is also haram. It is reported in Durre Mukhtar: - Trimming the beard to an extent less then a fist-full, as some westerners and effeminate people do, has not been permitted by any jurist. Completely shaving the beard off is the trend of Jewish Indians and non-Arab Zoroastrians. [Shami, New Edition, Pg 418, Vol 2] The same subject matter is to be found in Fathul Qadeer (Pg 77, Vol 2) and Bahrur Ra'iq (Pg 302, Vol 2). Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi writes in his book, 'Ashatul - Lamat': "Shaving the beard is haram and allowing it to grow to the length of a fist full is wajib." Therefore it is haram to trim it if it is less than a fist full. (Pg 228, Vol 1). It is mentioned in Imdadul Fatawa: "Keeping a beard is wajib and trimming it so that it is less then a fist full is haram, due to the following Hadeeth of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam: "Oppose the idolaters by lengthening your beards." [Bukhari and Muslim] It is mentioned in Durre Mukhtar: "It is haram for a man to cut his beard. The masnoon length is one fist."[Imdadul Fatawa, Pg 223, Vol 4]

Question: 3 It is the habit of some Huffaz that some time before Ramadan they start keeping a beard and after Ramadan they shave it. Is it correct to make such Huffaz Imams for the Taraweeh? Is performing salah behind them correct or not?

Answer: The Hafiz who shaves or trims his beard has in fact perpetrated a major sin and is a Fasiq (flagrant transgressor of the Law). For him to lead the Taraweeh Salah is not permissible and to follow him in Salah is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi (i.e. it is haram in practice). Similarly, that Hafiz who only keeps a beard in the month of Ramadhan and thereafter shaves it, falls within the same category. Those people who permit such Huffaz to lead the fardh or Taraweeh Salah are, also Faasiqs and sinful.

Question: 4. Some people show a disliking to the beard and look down upon it. If any friend or family member wishes to keep a beard then he is prevented and is frowned at. Some people stipulate the shaving of the beard as a pre-condition for marriage. What does the shariat say about such people?

Answer: To understand the answer to this question, one should bear in mind a basic principal that to mock any of the distinguishing features of Islam and to degrade or disgrace any of the Sunnats of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam is tantamount to Kufr, whereby a person leaves the fold of Islam. We have learnt above that Nabi (sallallahu Alayhi wa sallam) has affirmed that the beard is a distinguished sign of Islam and a unanimous practice of all the Prophets. Therefore, those people who consider the beards as loathsome and detestable on the basis of it being a distortion of nature and prevent those who aspire to keep a beard from amongst their relatives or either mock at them and, likewise, those people who will not allow their daughters to marry without the bridegroom shaving his beard, such people should seriously ponder over the plight of their Iman. It is incumbent on them to sincerely repent and also renew their nikahs. Hakimul Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullah alayhi) writes in his book. Islahur-Rusoom on Pg 15, "Amongst these customs, the shaving of the beard, trimming it in such a way that it remains less then one fist in length and the lengthening of the moustache, is considered in today's times as a stylish appearance by most youth." The Hadeeth states: "Lengthen the beard and trim the moustache." [This Hadeeth has been narrated both by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim] It should be noted well that Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has used the commanding tense in imploring both these actions and the commanding tense in the Arabic language signifies obligation and incumbency of an action. Hence, we deduce that these two actions are wajib and to discard a wajib is haram. Therefore both the shaving and the trimming of the beard is haram. Furthermore it has been mentioned in another Hadeeth that Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam said: "The person who does not trim his moustache is not from amongst our group." [Tirmidhi, Ahmed and Nisai] When we have now established it to be a sinful act, then those people who persist in doing it, have an affinity towards it, consider the lengthening of the beard as a defect and jeer at and ridicule those who keep a beard, it will become rather difficult and complex for them to maintain their Iman. It is incumbent on such people to sincerely repent, renew their marriages and formulate their lifestyle in accordance to the order of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and His Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam.

Question: 5. Some people keep a beard during the period of Haj and shave it upon returning. Some people go to the extent of shaving their beards even during the period of Haj. Is the Haj of such people valid?

Answer: Those people who, during their Haj or on their return journey shave their beards or even trim them are even more pitiable and deserving of mercy than the general folk as they could not refrain from major sins whilst at the house of Allah, whereas only that Haj is worthy of acceptance which is free from sin. Some jurists maintain that the sign of an accepted Haj is that a total Deeni (religious) revolution or change takes place in the life of a person, i.e. he begins to commit himself to righteous actions and makes all attempts to abstain from sinning after returning from Haj. The person in whose life no change occurs even after the Haj, i.e. he still persists in discarding his Fardh obligations and persists in committing major sins as he used to do prior to the performance of the Haj, then such a person's Haj is in reality not a Haj but a mere leisure and pastime. However, from a Fiqhi (legal) point of view, he will be absolved of his Fardh obligation. Nevertheless, he will be deprived of the blessings and fruits of a true Haj. What greater despair and remorse may we express at that person, who spends so much of money and so bravely undergoes the difficulties of the journey, yet he is deprived of the ability to repent and returns home empty handed. If a person commits an act of theft or even adultery (zina) during his Haj journey and does not even regret his despicable action, or repents for it, each and every person may well perceive the plight of his Haj. In the some way, shaving of the beard is a major sin and, in one respect, even more grievous than stealing and adultery since these two are temporary sins. A person who shaves his beard despite him performing his salat, observing fast or even donning the Ihram of Haj, subjects himself to the curse of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and infect, involves himself in the perpetration of a major sin even during the performance of such Ibadat (devotions). Hazrat Sheikh, Maulana Muhammad Zakaria (Rahmatullahi alayhi) writes in his treatise "Dhari Ka Wujoob": When I look at such people (who shave their beards), this thought comes to mind that there is no stipulated time for death and if death has to overtake them in such a condition then what face will they present in front of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam when his blessed and illuminated face will appear before them. Together with this, this thought continuously comes to mind that major sins are many, e.g. adultery, sodomy, drinking etc, but they are all temporary. Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam has said: "When an adulterer carries out an act of adultery he does not remain a mu'min." The Muhadditheen have interpreted this Hadeeth in this way that the light of Iman leaves a person whilst carrying out the act of adultery. However, after the deplorable act, this light of Iman returns to him. However, shaving or trimming the beard is such an act which is perpetual, may it be whilst performing Salah or Fasting or Haj. In short, it remains with a person while performing any form of worship. Therefore, it is imperative for such persons who go for Haj to rectify their distorted forms before presenting themselves in the court of Allah, sincerely repent and make a firm conviction not to return to such haram actions, or else it should not be that they be credited with this Persian lyric of Sheikh Sadi (Rahmatullah alai): "The donkey of Isa, even though it might travel to Makkah, yet when it returns, it will still remain a donkey." They should also consider as to how they will present themselves when conferring greetings at the Sacred Tomb of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam and moreover what difficulty and pain will be caused to Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam when he will glance at their distorted faces.

Question: 6. Some people do not keep a beard saying that if we keep a beard and do some wrong action, we will be disgracing those who keep beards and showing disrespect to the beard. What is the Shari ruling with regard to such people?

Answer: The sentiment of such people outwardly seems very pleasing. It seems as if they desire to uphold the honor and status of the beard, but yet if we ponder slightly deeper, we will recognize this shaitani trick. Through this very trick, shaitan has deceived many and involved them in this haram act. Understand this from the following example: A Muslim has deceived a certain person; consequently the name of the entire Muslim brotherhood becomes blemished. Now, if shaitan deceives him to think: Because of me, the Muslims are being dishonored. Hence, (Allah forbid) I should now renegade from Islam and become a kafir? Definitely this is an action which he should never ever think of doing! Instead he should become a true Muslim and leave his misconduct. Similarly if shaitan provokes a person saying: "If you grow a beard and commit evil then the beard would be disrespected and those who are keeping beards will be disgraced. Hence, leave out this sunnah." He should never ever do this. Instead he should grow his beard and save himself from misconduct. If such people really intend to uphold and honor this sign of Islam, then logically, and from an Islamic point of view, they should lengthen their beards and refrain from misconduct and major sins. Furthermore, pray to Allah to grant to them the ability of upholding this great symbol and sign of Islam; so that on the Day of Qiyamah they could be raised up in the form and appearance of Islam and consequently be blessed with the intercession of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam who had lengthened his beard. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam said: "Everyone from my ummah will enter Jannat except those who reject." The Sahabah (Radiyallahu Anhum) asked: "Who are those who reject?" Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam replied: "The person who follows me will enter Jannat and the person who disobeys me has rejected."
posted by Abdullah_m.e. @ 2:33 PM   0 comments
Miscellaneous Masa'il on the Beard
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Question: What is the Shar'ee ruling of the beard - is it wajib or sunnat? Is it permissible, makruh or haram to shave the beard? Many people are of the opinion that to keep the beard is sunnat - If somebody keeps a beard it is good and if the beard is not kept then too there is no sin! To what extent are these options valid?

Answer: The shaving or trimming of the beard (when it is less then a fist's length) is a major sin and haram (forbidden). In this regard, I am stating a few Ahadeeth and thereafter will comment on them.

1. Hazrat Ayesha radiyallahu anha narrates that she heard Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam saying: "Ten things are included in nature (Fitrat). From amongst them is the trimming of the moustache and the lengthening of the beard."[Saheeh Muslim]

2. It is reported from Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhu that Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam said: "Trim the moustache and lengthen the beard."

3. It is reported in another narration that Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam ordered the cutting of the moustache and lengthening of the beard.

4. Ibn Umar (RA) narrates that he heard Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam saying: "Oppose the fire worshippers - lengthen the beard and trim the moustache."[Saheeh Muslim]

5. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that he heard Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam saying: "Trim the moustache and lengthen the beard. [Mishkat, Bukhari, Muslim]

6. Hazrat Zaid bin Arqam (RA) narrates that he heard Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam saying: "Those who do not trim the moustache are not from amongst us."[Ahmed, Tirmizi, Nasai]

7. Ibn Abbas (RA) narrates that he heard Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam saying: "Allah's curse be on those men who emulate women and Allah's curse be on those women who emulate men."

Commentary: 1. From the first Hadeeth we learn that the cutting of the moustache and lengthening of the beard is a pre-requisite of human nature and the lengthening of the moustache and cutting of the beard is against the norms of nature. Those people who are involved in this act are deforming the nature of Allah. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran that shaitan, the accursed said to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala: "I will lead the children of Adam (Alaihis Salam) astray and I will command them to do such acts that they will deform the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala." It is mentioned in Tafseer-e-Haqqani, Bayanul Quran and other tafseers that shaving of the beard is also included in deforming the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has naturally bestowed the masculine face with the beauty and dignity of a beard. Hence, those people who shave their beards are, due to the inducement of shaitan, mutilating not only their faces but their entire nature. Since the conduct of the Ambiyae-Kiram is the only criterion for the correct nature of men, the word "fitrah" refers to their way and sunnat. In this context it will mean that to trim the moustache and lengthen the beard is a unanimous sunnah of approximately 124 000 prophets, that blessed group which Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam was ordered to follow. "These are the ones whom Allah guided, so follow their guidance." Therefore those who shave and cut their beards are opposing the ways of the Ambiya. Hence, this Hadeeth warns us that the shaving of the beard constitutes three sins:

a. Opposing human nature.

b. Through the enticement of shaitan, disfiguring of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's creation.

c. Opposing the manner of the Ambiya. Therefore because of these three reasons, to shave the beard is Haram.

2. In the second Hadeeth, the order of clipping the moustache and the lengthening of the beard is mentioned. Obedience to the command of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam is wajib (compulsory) upon every Muslim and to oppose it is haram (forbidden). Therefore it is wajib to grow a beard and haram to shave it.

3. It has been mentioned in the third and fourth Hadeeth that the keeping of the beard and the clipping of the moustache is a distinguishing feature of a Muslim. On the contrary, to lengthen the moustache and shave the beard is the feature of a fire-worshipper and the mushrikeen. Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam has emphasized the inculcation of the features of the Muslims and emphasized the opposing of the fire-worshippers and the mushrikeen to his Ummah. Abandoning the features of the Muslims and taking up traits of other misguided nations is haram. Concerning this Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam said: "Whosoever resembles a nation is from amongst them." Therefore, those who inculcate the features of others (concerning which Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam has commanded us to oppose) should fear the grave warning of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam that they will be resurrected amongst these people (non Muslims - whom they emulate) on the Day of Qiyamah (judgment).

4. In the fifth Hadeeth it was mentioned that those who do not clip their moustaches are not from amongst us. It is apparent that this very law would apply to the shaving of the beard as well. This is a very grave warning for those who merely follow their carnal desires and the deception of shaitan in shaving their beards. That is why Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam announced the dismissal of such persons from amongst his ummah. Is it possible for anyone having some relationship with Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam to tolerate this warning!? Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam disliked the shaving of the beard so much so that He even disliked looking at the ambassadors of the King of Iran when they entered the gathering of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam, in the condition that their beards were shaved off and their moustaches were long. Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam addressing them said: "Woe unto you! May you be destroyed! Who has ordered you to do this?" They replied: "Our master i.e. the King of Iran has ordered us." Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam then said: "But my Lord has commanded me to lengthen the beard and clip the moustache."[Albidayah Wannihayah, Vol. 4, Pg 269] Those who violate the command of the Lord of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam and follow the lord of the fire-worshippers should repeatedly consider how they will show their faces in the court of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam on the Day of Qiyamah? If Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam has to say to them: "Because of distorting your appearance you are excluded from our group." Then for whose intercession will they hope for?

5. It has been deduced from the fifth Hadeeth that the lengthening of the moustache and trimming or shaving of the beard is haram and a major sin. The fact that Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam has warned that such a person is not of us, portrays that the perpetration of such a crime is in fact a very grave sin.

6. In the sixth Hadeeth Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam has cursed the men who resemble women and those women who resemble men. In the commentary of this Hadeeth, Mullah Ali Qari (Rahmatullah Alayhi), the author of 'Mirqat' writes that the words "Allah's curse" could be: - a curse which would mean: "May Allah's curse be upon such people", or it could be an informative sentence which would then mean: "Allah curses such people." Besides the above mentioned evils of shaving the beard, another evil is the resemblance of women. Since Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala made the beard a distinguishing feature between men and women. Hence, those who shave their beards eradicate the distinguishing feature and consequently resemble women thereby eliciting the curse of Allah and his Rasool sallallahu alaihi wasalam. Bearing in mind all these Ahadith, the Jurists have agreed upon the following facts: a) To lengthen the beard is wajib (compulsory) b) It is a sign of Islam c) To shave or trim the beard (if it has not reached the shari length) is haram and a major sin. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala grant every Muslim the ability to refrain from actions which Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam has severely warned us against. (ameen)

to be continued in next posting

fatwa from darul-uloom deoband,india.
(The following is a Fatwa together with its answer extracted from Sirate-Mustaqeem (vol.1) by Moulana Yusuf Ludhianwi)
posted by Abdullah_m.e. @ 11:46 AM   1 comments
solat terawikh,amalan yang digalakkan di ramadhan
Monday, August 16, 2010

nah maduhu wanusolli wanusallimu a`la rasulihil kariim,wa a`la alihi wasohbihi wa atba`ihi namalitiddinil qawwim..

Alhamdululillah,hari sabtu yang lepas,Allah bagi hidayah pada saya untuk berbuka puasa dan solat tarawikh di masjid putra,putrajaya..

suasana ramadhan hidup di masjid ini,ada juga orang yang berbuka di sekitar kawasan masjid..

menu pada hari itu:

buka puasa :
nasi+sotong basah tumis sambal+sup daging+sayur kacang panjang tumis dgn tahu dan tempe+buah lai+air sarsi..

moreh :
bubur kacang durian+air sarsi

Alhamdulillah,Allah bagi kenyang,di samping selesa bersolat di dalam masjid kerana pihak masjid telah memasang air cond di ruang solat utama..

sementara menunggu waktu isya,aku membaca Al-Quran,menyambung kebiasaan,kebetulan pada hari bacaan itu sampai surah At-Taubah,maka aku telah tergamam pada ayat :

"Hanyasanya Yang layak memakmurkan (menghidupkan) masjid-masjid Allah itu ialah orang-orang Yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat serta mendirikan sembahyang dan menunaikan zakat dan tidak takut melainkan kepada Allah, (dengan adanya sifat-sifat Yang tersebut) maka adalah diharapkan mereka menjadi dari golongan Yang mendapat petunjuk." (AtTaubah :18)

bergetar hati aku membaca ayat ini,tedetik dalam hati aku,ya Allah,aku si pendosa ini pun kau pilih untuk menghidupkan masjidMu,sepatutnya aku bersyukur,lebih-lebih lagi dalam ramadhan ini,amalan dan pahala digandakan olehMu..

setelah itu azan isya pun berkumandang,terus aku ke saf depan dan menunaikan solat isya,solat2 sunat dan tarawikh,sampai ke 18 rakaat,kerana aku "emergency" ke tandas,atas2 sebab yang tidak dapat dielakkan,setelah selesai witir dan disudahi dengan doa,disediakan pula moreh,sebenarnya moreh dah dihidangkan selepas 8 rakaat,kerana majoriti jemaah hanya membuat 8 rakaat..

apa-apa halpun,aku bersyukur Allah ihsan pada aku untuk solat terawikh lagi..Amiin..
posted by Abdullah_m.e. @ 5:43 PM   0 comments
ramadhan kareem dan solat tarawikh,
Saturday, August 14, 2010

nah maduhu wanusolli wanusallimu a`la rasulihil kariim,wa a`la alihi wasohbihi wa atba`ihi namalitiddinil qawwim..

kita boleh tengok sendiri keadaan di bazaar ramadhan contoh seperti gambar di atas...

sedar x sedar,dah hari ke-4 berpuasa..kehidupan aku sebagai pengusaha atas agama dan student di dalam bulan ramadhan x banyak berubah,cuma kelebihan bulan ramadhan yg aku sedari,mudah utk mneghafal apa yg aku pelajari berbanding bulan2 lain,wallahu`alam,bnyak lagi rahsia ramadhan kita tidak tahu..

rabu ada jaulah/ghasyt,smpai pukul 7,kemudian balik ke marhalah utk maghrib dan berbuka di rumah bersama rakan-rakan serumah..

nafsu makan dalam ramadhan berganda-ganda,walaupun `syaitan and the group` dirantai sementara..besarnya kuasa nafsu dari godaan syaitan,itu pentingnnya setiap orang islam berusaha atas iman mereka dngan berusah-payah utk agama..bermujahadah,

kadang2,kita pelik,kenapalah kita dengar kisah di zaman Nabi S.A.W dan para Sahabat R.Anhum.berbuka kadang2 hanya dengan tamar,kadang2 hanya minum beberapa teguk air,TETAPI mereka masih bertenaga,

ini dibuktikan di dlam peperangan badar,Allah muliakan mereka kerana mereka beriman,walapun makanan terhad,alatan perang x cukup,tapi islam peroleh kejayaan..


nak dapat keyakinan imam yang sempurna seperti Nabi S.A.W dan para Sahabat R.Anhum?
bermujahadahlah utk agama,itu yang mereka buat..

aku berazam ramadhan ni aku x nak pergi bazaar,dengan suasana nafsu makan,keadaan zulmat dan keadaan orang islam pada hari ini,maka aku pun belilah nasi bungkus kt warung aku selalu bungkus nasi kt depan kampus,orang pun x ramai,x perlu berebut dan ber`sepit2` dalam lautan manusia..

untuk tarawikh,aku ambil nasihat dari ustaz2 di masjid jamek bandar baru sri petaling yg aku ambil postingnnya di,minta izin yg abg Azhar Jaafar,:-)

"Tuan-tuan yang mulia.. syukur kepada Allah kerana Allah masih beri kesempatan kepada kita untuk hidup sehingga ke Ramadhan tahun ini.. Inilah bulan yang mana kita patut berlumba-lumba untuk menambahkan amal ibadat kita kepada Allah.. dan satu amal yang khusus pada bulan Ramadhan ini adalah solat sunat Terawih..

Para sahabat telah sama-sama bersepakat dengan Hadrat Umar Al Khattab رضي الله عنه untuk bersolat terawih sebanyak 20 rakaat.. begitulah juga amal yang dibuat oleh ulama-ulama yang mahsyur sehinggalah sekarang.. bahkan imam Malik semasa di Madinah telah tambah sehingga 36 rakaat.. dan bukannya nak kurangkan lagi.. Jadi sama-samalah kita hidupkan malam Ramadhan dengan solat terawih 20 rakaat..

Dan bukan itu sahaja.. di zaman sahabat mereka bukan baca ayat-ayat lazim sahaja tetapi mereka khatam Quran sekali, ada yang 2 kali, ada yang sampai 10 kali khatam di dalam terawih di sepanjang Ramadhan.. Oleh itu di masjid Sri Petaling ini kita adakan bacaan 1½ juzuk di dalam 20 rakaat terawih.. dan sesiapa yang berminat nak buat lebih, boleh ikut jemaah yang solat di dalam bilik hujung kanan masjid.. di situ mereka baca 3 juzuk al quran setiap malam..

dan bagi yang belum biasa, kita solat di dewan utama masjid ini sahaja dengan bacaan 1½ juzuk al quran.. kita latih diri kita untuk khusyuk dengan bersolat lama-lama di depan Allah.. semua sedia insyaAllah.."
posted by Abdullah_m.e. @ 12:05 AM   0 comments
kenapa ada akaun facebook?
Monday, August 9, 2010

ustaz zaharuddin

dalam menentukan keputusan dan hukum penyertaan facebook, menurut pendapat saya, terdapat beberapa isu yang perlu diperhati dan telah saya perhati sebelum saya memberi izin kepda rakan webmaster saya membuka fanpage facebook. Ia adalah seperti berikut :

1) Bolehkah menggunakan produk ciptaan Yahudi?
Kesimpulan bagi soalan ini telah saya ulas panjang lebar dalam artikel terdahulu.

BACA DI SINI . Kesimpulannya, adalah dibenarkan untuk umat Islam membeli, menjual, menggunapakai produk ciptaan bukan Islam termasuk Yahudi, selagi mana ia dalam ruang lingkup yang halal.
Nabi Muhammad SAW juga diriwayatkan dalam hadis yang sohih telah berurusan dan membuat transaksi jual beli dan cagaran dengan seorang yahudi, iaitu :-
أَنَّ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم اشْتَرَى طَعَامًا من يَهُودِيٍّ إلى أَجَلٍ وَرَهَنَهُ دِرْعًا من حَدِيدٍ
Ertinya : "Sesungguhnya Nabi SAW membeli makanan dari seorang Yahudi dengan pembayaran secara bertangguh, dan mencagarkan baju besi baginda SAW" ( Riwayat al-Bukhari, no 2326, 2/841)
Tambahan dalil boleh dibaca dari link artikel saya yang lalu di atas.

2) Apa maksud saudara penyoal dengan ayat ‘menyumbang kepada bangsa Yahudi'?
Jual beli Muslim dengan seorang Yahudi hingga memberikan keuntungan kewangan kepada dirinya tidak bermasalah sama sekali di sisi Islam, malah Rasulullah s.a.w dan para sahabat banyak yang berjual beli dengan Yahudi di Madinah.
Cuma persoalannya di sini, adalah menyumbang kepada keganasan Yahudi Zionis. Namun adakah dakwaan itu boleh dibuat dan dipercayai semudah itu, tanpa sebarang bukti jelas dan hanya bersandarkan kepada latar belakang peribadi si pengasas?

3) Adakah penyaluran dana kepada individu Yahudi atau khas ditujukan kepada proses penjajahan tanah Palestin?

Begini, jika ternyata dari sumber yang sohih, jelas lagi pasti, sesuatu transaksi jual beli kita memberikan keuntungan kepada organisasi Yahudi yang mana digunakan hasil pendapatannya digunakan untuk proses penjajahan haram, keganasan dan serangan ke atas umat Islam, tatkala itu barulah hukum HARUS berubah menjadi HARAM menurut sepakat ulama.
Dalam konteks facebook, ia masih kekal tidak jelas kerana hampir semua penulisan yang membantah facebook, tidak menyertakan bukti jelas berkenaan hal ini. Semuanya membuat andaian itu dan ini, sedangkan andaian semata-mata tidak boleh mengubah hukum asal keharusan kepada haram. Ia sekadar boleh mengajak kita untuk berhati-hati dan peka sahaja.
Malah majoriti pengguna facebook tidak melakukan sebarang transaksi kewangan dengan syarikat tersebut. Kecuali yang menyertai skim-skim yang ditawarkan (ini memerlukan perbincangan berasingan)
Jika ada pula yang mengarahkan saya membuat kajian dan mencari bukti-bukti itu sebelum memberi pandangan berkenaan status hukum. Justeru boleh saya katakan, kajian telah dibuat dan kami gagal MENDAPATI sebarang bukti untuk menyokong andaian-andaian pihak yang membuat andaian.
Jika dikatakan
"bukti bertulis tentulah dirahsiakan oleh pihak syarikat facebook dan mereka memberikan sumbangan secara senyap-senyap"
Tanpanya, Islam tidak memberatkan kita untuk membuat andaian dalam hal seumpama ini. Jika andaian sedemikian masih ingin digunakan, kelak mengakibatkan kesukaran berat (mashaqqah) buat seluruh umat Islam pada banyak perkara dan aktviti lain, kerana larangan dan andaian juga akan terpakai buat semua penjual bukan Islam beragama Hindu, Kristian, Buddha dan lainnya. Penjual-penjual tersebut juga boleh diandaikan menyumbang kepada gerakan melawan Islam secara senyap. Akhirnya, kita terperangkap dengan kekerasan fatwa kita sendiri, hingga bermusuh dengan semua tanpa bukti yang jelas.
Oleh kerana itu, selagi tidak disertakan dan tidak mampu dihadirkan bukti bertulis, selagi itulah hukum adalah HARUS untuk berjual beli dengan penjual atau syarikat milik Yahudi. Jika berjual beli pun dibenarkan, apatah lagi sekadar membuka akaun facebook.
Cuma mungkin keharusan berurusan dengan barangan Yahudi, boleh menjadi makruh atau syuhbat diketika wujudnya peperangan dan serangan ke atas umat Islam. Ini memerlukan penelitian ‘case by case'.
Cuma menurut maklumat yang diterima, puak Yahudi Zionis sendiri TIDAK PUAS HATI dengan facebook. Sila BACA DISIN I
Pun begitu, pengguna facebook sukar untuk dibebankan dengan masalah ini kerana mereka TIDAK BERJUAL BELI denga facebook, mereka hanya menggunakannya secara percuma. Jika dikatakan, penggunanya menyebabkan trafik facebook menjadi tinggi dan iklan mencurah masuk lalu memberi keuntungan kepada pemilik facebook. Ia juga sukar kerana kesesakan trafik bukanlah bersifat ‘direct' membantu facebook, tambahan pula sebagaimana di katakan tadi, tidak jelasnya sumbangan kepada keganasan Yahudi.

4) Privacy pengguna facebook dijajah?

Ini mungkin ada benarnya, setelah saya menghabiskan bacaan privacy policy yang terkandung di dalam web facebook, ia memberikan gambaran bahawa gambar, info dan segala yang terkandung di dalam facebook kita boleh tetap wujud di facebook orang lain yang dikongsi, dan saya yakin pihak facebook juga mempunyai simpanan data terbabit.

Policy menyebutkan :

"Even after you remove information from your profile or delete your account, copies of that information may remain viewable elsewhere to the extent it has been shared with others, it was otherwise distributed pursuant to your privacy settings, or it was copied or stored by other users."

Terma ini adakalanya boleh membawa sedikit mudarat jika tidak ditangani dengan bijak oleh pengguna. Namun demikian, terma ini sahaja tidak mampu menjadi keseluruhan facebook sebagai haram.

Selain itu, juga disebutkan :

To respond to legal requests and prevent harm. We may disclose information pursuant to subpoenas, court orders, or other requests (including criminal and civil matters) if we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law. This may include respecting requests from jurisdictions outside of the United States where we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law under the local laws in that jurisdiction, apply to users from that jurisdiction, and are consistent with generally accepted international standards. We may also share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activity, to prevent imminent bodily harm, or to protect ourselves and you from people violating our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, courts or other government entities."

Berdasarkan kepada terma di atas. Sebenarnya pihak facebook mempunyai hak untuk mendedahkan informasi kita kepada mana-mana berdasarkan alasan yang disebut di atas. Tiada takrif jelas bagi yang disebut di atas, semua masih tetap terpulang kepada keputusan pihak facebook. Maka menyerahkan info dan gambar kita kepada syarikat tertentu, CIA, FBI atau apa jua badan kerajaan adalah hak facebook jua.

Walaupun begitu, ia sekali lagi tidak cukup kuat untuk sampai menjadikan pengunaan facebook sebagai haram, apa yang perlu adalah kawalan dan had limit.

Saya tidak berhasrat untuk menyenaraikan satu persatu baik dan buruk penggunaan Facebook, cuma apa yang ingin saya nyatakan sebagai kesimpulan adalah seperti berikut :-
- Hukum membuka akaun dan menggunakan facebook adalah HARUS selagi tidak terbukti ia menggunakan pengaruh dan keuntungannya untuk menyerang Islam atas nama facebook samada melalui dana kepada Yahudi, Amerika dan lainnya.

- Bagi mereka yang masih tidak selesa dengan latarbelakang pengasas dan syarikat facebook, mereka dinasihatkan untuk TIDAK MEMBUKA DAN MENYERTAI FACEBOOK. Mereka boleh terus memberi nasihat kepada pengguna facebook agar sentiasa berhati-hati, namun tidak boleh dengan sewenangnya menuduh pengguna facebook melakukan perkara haram secara umum.
-Bagi mereka yang ingin mengambil sikap lebih berhati-hati mereka disarankan untuk a- Memanupulasi akaun facebook untuk manfaat Islam melebihi kepentingan peribadi. Justeru, ruang yang ada wajar digunakan untuk mempromosi kefahaman Islam melalui tulisan, video, audio dan sebagainya.

b- Limitasikan dan kurangkan perbincangan soal remeh temeh peribadi yang membuang masa diri dan orang lain.
c- Tidak sehingga berkongsi terlalu banyak gambar peribadi ( khsusunya bagi wanita) sejak zaman kanak-kanak tanpa had limitasi, tanpa kawalan ia bakal membawa mudarat berbanding manfaat. Di samping ia akan kekal di facebook orang yang dikongsi dan juga syarikat facebook.
d- Tidak memasukkan perincian peribadi yang sensitif khususnya seperti akaun bank, taraf kesihatan dan sebagainya. Cukuplah sekadar menyertakan nama, tarikh lahir dan pendidikan.
e- Tidak terlibat dengan permainan-permainan dan aplikasi yang dijangka bercanggah dengan Islam seperti kuiz ramalan nasib. Sama ada atas dasar ‘main-main' atau tidak.
f- Tidak mempercayai aplikasi tilik moden seperti rahsia tarikh kelahiran dan sepertinya yang terkandung dalam aplikasi percuma facebook. Sama ada atas dasar ‘main-main' atau tidak.
g- Menyedari bahawa maklumat kita di facebook boleh menjadi database pihak asing untuk memantau kehidupan dan informasi peribadi kita jika tidak dikawal. Database sebegini sebenarnya amat bernilai dan sukar ada satu organisasi di dunia ini yang mampu menyimpan maklumat manusia sebagaimana facebook. Hatta parti politik masing-masing pun tidak mempunyai maklumat ahlinya yang sebegitu update sebagaimana facebook. Justeru, maklumat sebegini amat banyak gunanya untuk sebarang tujuan kejahatan dan ketamakan.

Jika itu semua dapat dijaga dan disedari, saya kira mengguna dan membuka akaun facebook adalah kekal dalam hukum HARUS atau DIBENARKAN, malah jika ia lebih banyak digunakan untuk kemaslahatan Islam, ia DIGALAKKAN. Malah jikalau terdapat unsur syubhat sekalipun, ia telah diatasi oleh manfaat yang disebarkan melalui facebook itu.


Zaharuddin Abd Rahman

ustaz gunawan aziz

Assalamu 'alaikum,
Saya melihat perkara ini termasuk khilafiah. Bagi saya, fb adalah alat. Mcm handphone. Jika disalahguna, sudah tentu mudaratnya yg terserlah.
posted by Abdullah_m.e. @ 9:02 PM   0 comments
jour`e (perhimpunan) student unikl mfi.bangi
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

nah maduhu wanusolli wanusallimu a`la rasulihil kariim..

insyaAllah,satu jour`e (perhimpunan) student unikl mfi akan diadakan di surau unikl mfi,bangi. bertarikh 05 august 2010,hari khamis.bertepat di surau unikl mfi.

unikl mfi (universiti kuala lumpur,malaysia france institute)
kptm (kolej poly-tech mara)
bandar baru bangi,selangor.

dijemput kepada sutdent unikl mfi yang tinggal di luar dan student kptm serta student yanng belajar berdekatan dengannya datang ke perhimpunan student.

pembayan maghrib ialah ustaz gunawan dari jakim.
taghrib student selepas isya ialah dr.(x sure nama) dari gmi (german malaysia insitute)

jamuan disediakan selepas program.

tirai kawasan wanita disediakan untuk wanita yang ingin hadir.

bacaan taklim dan laporan student-6.30 ptg -7.30 ptg
solat maghirb berjemaah
bayan maghrib
solat isya
taghrib student
posted by Abdullah_m.e. @ 10:54 PM   0 comments
About Me

Name: Abdullah_m.e.
Home: kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan, Malaysia
About Me: Dan orang-orang yang terdahulu; yang mula-mula dari orang-orang “Muhajirin” dan “Ansar” (berhijrah dan memberi bantuan), dan orang-orang yang menurut (jejak langkah) mereka dengan kebaikan (iman dan taat), Allah reda kepada mereka dan mereka pula reda kepada Nya, serta Dia menyediakan untuk mereka syurga-syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya selama-lamanya; itulah kemenangan yang besar. (Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 100) masih di dalam proses pembelajaran baik untuk keperluan mahupun agama..masih di dalam fasa membaiki diri..kerana diri ini tidak sempurna..
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For all reader information,i`m not a ustaz,hafizul quran more so ulama`.i`m just the follower (ittiba`) of the Prophet S.A.W,the companions R.Anhum and whom who followed them from time to time until Qiyaamah.for that reason,almost all the published article,translation or journal and quote have reference.only certain do not have a reference due to that publish is personal opinion/advice of the writer.still in process of learning and purifcation.moderate opinion and neutral method.not in favor/represent of any organizational,fiqrah,political party or jamaah.what is good and there`s akhlak,we follow them.what is not very good,we make a moral story of it. This blog is published in Bahasa Malaysia so that the malay language user can understand some translation of kitab or quote from ulama` and to uphold usage of bahasa malaysia among whom understand malays.some of the kitab or reference is not published and sale in malaysia,almost majority of it is from Hindustani sub-continent and some of it from the middle-east.only certain publish in english language. Manhaj Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah,follow Shafii` Mazhab. Jazakumullahu Khairan Kasthira`,

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