
"هذا هو معنى الحياة هو نحن هو الإسلام." تحيات.. كيف حالك.. نأمل حصلت على مباركة لك من الله


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Innalhamdulillah,khidmat kpd pelajar samada yg berada dlm kemahiran kejuruteraan(mekanikal,elektrikal,electronic,mekatronik dsb.) @pelajar agama yg sedia membantu menyemak proposal, report dn mmberi cadangan kpd projek tahun akhir(FYP) atau masalah pembelajaran anda secara percuma. semoga usaha anda dimudahkan utk menamatkan pengajian dn anda dpt berkhidmat serta berjuang di jalan Allah S.W.T.hubungi sy di YM;ghostrider_mujahid.JazakaAllahu Khair.
Why Follow an Imam?
Saturday, October 9, 2010

The question that arises here is that why then should one follow any of the four Imaams? This can be answered by posing a counter-question: "Do you know all the various laws of Deen? Are you capable of extracting and deriving the laws pertaining to wudhu, salaah, zakaah, etc. directly from the Qur'an and Hadith? Do you know which Hadith has abrogated another? Do you have the ability to reconcile between the various Ahadith which apparently contradict each other? Do you know which verses of the Qur'an are general in their application and which verses are qualified by other texts? etc., etc."
If one does not have the knowledge of these aspects, then one definitely does not have the ability to derive the laws directly from the Qur'an and Hadith. In that case the following aayah applies directly to oneself:

"Ask those of knowledge if you do not know." (16:43 & 21:7)

Hence when we do not have the enormous amount of knowledge and expertise that is necessary to derive the laws directly from the Qur'an and Hadith, we have opted to follow one of those great people who had attained that distinguished mastery in this field, among whom is Imaam Abu Hanifa (R.A.). Imaam Abu Hanifa (R.A.) is a Taabi'i (one who has seen a Sahabi). He attained the knowledge of Hadith from approximately 4000 ustaads. His piety was such that for 40 years he performed fajr salaah with the wudhu of Isha salaah (i.e. he did not sleep the entire night) [Tareekhul Baghdad]. His knowledge, brilliance and righteousness was such that all the great scholars of his time attested to his mastery. Thus one can be well assured that such a person is absolutely capable of deriving the laws directly from the Qur'an and Hadith.

Another reason for adopting one of the Imaams as a guide is the following aayah of the Qur'an: Allah Ta'ala says:

"And follow the path of those who turn to me" (31:15).

In order to "turn" to Allah Ta'ala, two aspects are basic requisites — knowledge and practicing according to that knowledge. In this regard the four Imaams were in an extremely high category. Imaam Abu Hanifa (R.A.) was regarded by various Ulama of his time as being the most knowledgeable of the people of that era (footnotes of Tahzeebut Tahzeeb vol. 1 pg. 451). Makki bin Ibrahim, who was one of the renowned ustaads of Imaam Bukhari (R.A.), was a student of Imaam Abu Hanifa (R.A.). Imaam Abu Hanifa (R.A.) compiled a book of Hadith entitled "Kitaabul Aathaar" from among 40,000 Ahadith. Thus those who follow such a guide can be satisfied that they are strictly following the commands of Allah Ta'ala and His Rasul (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

Sifatus Salaah: The Method of Salaah in the Light of Authentic Ahadith
by Shaikh Muhammad Ilyas Faisal
Madina al-Munawwara

to be continued in next posting..
posted by Abdullah_m.e. @ 8:35 AM  
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Name: Abdullah_m.e.
Home: kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan, Malaysia
About Me: Dan orang-orang yang terdahulu; yang mula-mula dari orang-orang “Muhajirin” dan “Ansar” (berhijrah dan memberi bantuan), dan orang-orang yang menurut (jejak langkah) mereka dengan kebaikan (iman dan taat), Allah reda kepada mereka dan mereka pula reda kepada Nya, serta Dia menyediakan untuk mereka syurga-syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya selama-lamanya; itulah kemenangan yang besar. (Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 100) masih di dalam proses pembelajaran baik untuk keperluan mahupun agama..masih di dalam fasa membaiki diri..kerana diri ini tidak sempurna..
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For all reader information,i`m not a ustaz,hafizul quran more so ulama`.i`m just the follower (ittiba`) of the Prophet S.A.W,the companions R.Anhum and whom who followed them from time to time until Qiyaamah.for that reason,almost all the published article,translation or journal and quote have reference.only certain do not have a reference due to that publish is personal opinion/advice of the writer.still in process of learning and purifcation.moderate opinion and neutral method.not in favor/represent of any organizational,fiqrah,political party or jamaah.what is good and there`s akhlak,we follow them.what is not very good,we make a moral story of it. This blog is published in Bahasa Malaysia so that the malay language user can understand some translation of kitab or quote from ulama` and to uphold usage of bahasa malaysia among whom understand malays.some of the kitab or reference is not published and sale in malaysia,almost majority of it is from Hindustani sub-continent and some of it from the middle-east.only certain publish in english language. Manhaj Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah,follow Shafii` Mazhab. Jazakumullahu Khairan Kasthira`,

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